Medical Faculty of the University of Heidelberg

Heidelberg is, together with the Charité Berlin and the LMU Munich, a founding member of the Assessment Network. Heidelberg is committed to practical relevance, interdisciplinarity and competence orientation in medical studies within the framework of the Heidelberg Curriculum Medicinale (HEICUMED). The main motivation for the initiation of a medical examination network was the desire for a scientific exchange of experience and knowledge in the field of medical assessment as well as the bundling of common resources for the creation, implementation and quality assurance of innovative examination formats. The ItemManagementSystem (IMS) is used in many departments of the preclinical and clinical sections of human and dental medicine to create tasks and exams. The evaluation of written examinations (scanning of the answer sheets) is initially carried out with KLAUS, while the UCAN tool CAMPUS is used for computer-based examinations. For quality assurance purposes, the exams are evaluated with the EXAMINATOR in order to report conspicuous tasks back to those responsible for the exam. The first OSCE with tablet-based checklists took place in Heidelberg in 2012. Since then, the OSCEs have been successfully using tablets in four additional subjects.  

Founding member of UCAN in 2005