Medical College of the Jagiellonian University Krakow

The Jagiellonian University is one of the oldest universities in Europe and has an excellent reputation in Poland and worldwide. 

The Jagiellonian University offers two different ways to study medicine in Krakow: complete a 6-year programme in Polish, and a 6-year programme in English. Jagiellonian University offers hybrid curriculum which offers both traditional and innovative learning modalities. The individual fields or subjects are taught at the Jagiellonian University as blocks which are usually concluded with an examination or as longitudinal full semester or full year tracks. 

Since 2014 the Jagiellonian University joined the Umbrella Consortium for Assessment Networks. In a first step the workflow switched to scanner readable answer sheets, in a second step we decided to use the tOSCE for the Objective Structured Clinical Examination. Until now over 500 exams have been delivered with the UCAN Tools since the accession.

UCAN-Partner since 2013